Monday, June 28, 2010

The other cars farewell Moggie

At the end of May after all the preparation and maintenance the Moggie was ready for shipping to Tanjing. This is the port closest to Beijing.We headed to Princes Wharf on an overcast Sunday morning to delver her into the hands of the shipping company ready to be loaded on to a RORO ferry, while is was a momentous occasion after all our hard work we felt a little sad leaving her alone on the wharf, somewhat like apink elephant( only in this casea pale yellow one) We would see her again in 5 weeks time.
At the time of writing we have 5 days left before we fly direct to Beijing, when 2 days later on the 5th of July we will take the fast train from Beijing to Tanjing to do the final customs clearance, sit our Chinese drivers licence (not sure quite what this will entail)after which we will drive back to Beijing, where we will stay for a further 2 days sightseeing before starting the Silk Road journey.
We are busy finalising all the last minute bits and bobs, plus packing up the house after spending a lovely weekend with our children and grandaughter(2 of the children are overseas at present.)
When next we write we will be in China.
Warm regards
Vic & Michele

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Final Preparations

We are now entering the final phase of our preparations before we put the Mog on to a ROR ship for Beijing. We have been granted vehicle registration as we do not intend to bring the Mog back to NZ after this trip, we will sell it in Europe as it is LHdrive.

All going well by the 18th May everything will be packed in place ready to go.
We now feel as though we will realise our dream. Some of our friends think we have lost the plot and others admire our desire for adventure, our adult children are excited for us but wish we weren't going to be away for quite so long. Usually it is the kids that leave the parents to do their OE.