Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


After leaving Copenhagen we drove south and caught a ferry across to Germany were we then drove through o Hamburg and found a lovely site to camp right in the city in large park overlooking the ocean which was free. Here we met 4 great young Australians who were doing a camper van trip before returning home after their OE in London. Hamburg is a thriving city with new buildings going up, it is clean and welcoming. From here drove north across the top western corner towards the Netherlands taking the scenic route and avoiding the autobahns and travelling in and out of the picturesque little villages where all of the houses have the most wonderful hanging flower baskets and pots full of colour. Stopping of overnight where ever we found a nice spot. The history of some of the villages is fascinating and most of the people derive their income from small farm holdings and growing grapes for making their own wine. The people are always friendly and the local produce is good.
We entered the Netherlands at a place on the border called Nievwschans and then drove a little further to Luawersoog which is right on the northern coast in the Frieisland area. Here in fishing village we stayed for 4 days and once more indulged ourselves in fresh seafood and fish while exploring the country side on foot and cycle.
Cycles are simply everywhere in the Netherlands and the school yards are full of bikes as even 5 years ride to school. All roads have cycle ways for this reason. While in the Freisland we met up with our friends Josefine and Theo and were delighted to be able to join them at their holiday house on their own island of 40 hectares. This is the most beautiful place, and on the Friday morning we set out in their classic motor boat on the canals and around the island before later in the afternoon driving through to Amsterdam where they live in an apartment in the area of Jordan which is super, so close to everything. We parked at Camp Zeeland which is only 10 mins from the city centre on a tram. Here we had a ball, wandering all over the city and dinning and at our favourite restaurant which in our mind is the best restaurant in Amsterdam “Toscanini”. It is owned by a friend Leonardo. The food he prepares is to die for. The next day after a morning of shopping and coffee Leonardo and his partner Karen took us all on an afternoon’s cruise of the canals of Amsterdam. The weather was good and we sipped good red wine and ate divine cheese. Reality will hit soon, I am sure. After dinner in an old Spanish restaurant we returned to Moggy tired and happy.
The next day we drove to Rotterdam to surprise Patrick and Jolanda and deliver their wedding present to them, regretfully we missed Jolanda as she was away on a cycling trip with a girlfriend. So we had a cup of coffee with Patrick, looked at their wonderful wedding album before heading across the border into Belgium for the night.
We found a perfect spot just outside the village of Sportin, where we overlooked a beautiful green tree studded valley, it was enough to make you want to yodel. Belgium is a small country studded with small farms. It is very clean and orderly and the beer is good.
Once again we avoided the motorways and took the small scenic routes through the villages which are amass of flowers, corn, fruit trees and cows. Our weather continued to be superb, an” Indian Summer” the locals said. We decided not to visit Brussels on this occasion as we are over big cities so we drove into Luxemburg. This is a lovely country, very small but the city centre has been faithfully maintained with cobbled streets beautiful patisseries and coffee shops and designer stores a plenty, but very pricy. After we walked from one end of the city to the other we went back to Moggy in the late afternoon and headed out. As it is a duty free country we decided to make the most of this factor at the border by buying fantastic french wines for 6 euro a bottle.
Germany (a second time)
One of the funny things about travelling in Europe is that you cross from one country to another almost without realising. This was the case when we exited Luxemburg and entered Germany. We found a lovely little spot to camp in Mosel on the river which is the border between the 2 countries. Once we were settled we then walked back into Luxemburg for dinner on the other side of the river where we feasted on mussels and chardonnay. Then after a little walk through the village crossed the bridge pass the police check home to Moggy. The next day we continued to meander through villages in the Black Forest stopping for a coffee, lunch or a beer, talking to locals and generally having a super time. We camped on the lake at Etang de Hanau which was so peaceful and met a couple from Hungary and two German couples. The countryside is so beautiful and clean and orderly (typically German). Travelling in this part of Europe is safe and great facilities for motor homes or caravans.
We visited Strasbourg and the amazing Cathedral in the town square; once again there are cobbled streets and lovely old house and shops. Everyone is interested in NZ and ask lots of questions.
Next it was Austria our final stop on this journey to stay with our friends Gerhard & Seigrid, but before getting to Bregenz where they live on the shores of Lake Konstance we stayed on another lake in a small village called Kingbergsee (Germany), the weather was a warm 25c, the village is the size of the old Silverdale shopping centre. From here we drove through to Bregenz which is only 10mins over the German border. It has a population of 29,000 and built on the side of the mountains overlooking the lake. From the apartment we can see Switzerland and Germany. There is a little snow on the Swiss Alps in the distance which is beautiful. We can walk into the centre of town in 10 mins along the lake front.
Since arriving we have done a lot of day trips and really taken to Alpine Walking with sticks, there are so many tracks and the autumn colours are breathtaking. We were fortunate enough to spend 4 days in Seefold, a beautiful summer & winter resort village where Seigrid & Gerhard have a town house. Andrew joined us and we walked daily which also helps to shed the extra kilo we have both added since leaving Moscow, which is due to wonderful cheeses and great wine. Still you only live once.
Today we pack up our belongings to ship to South Africa, for stage 2 of our journey, and we will put Moggy into hibernation until next summer. Tomorrow we fly to South Africa via Dubai where we visit Julia for 4 days. Andrew will also join us as he is on route to NZ for the summer.
We will continue with the blog once we arrive in SA and upload photos of the new truck and keep you in the loop as far as our plans are concerned.
I am dashing home for a short break in Jan as my mother Elizabeth will celebrate her 85th birthday, plus I can see Beth and her new sibling which is due in mid November.
Until then love to all of you. Please continue to email us during this time as we do miss you all and love to know what’s happening in NZ and in your lives.
This has been the most amazing journey and we are so fond of Moggy, she is like one of the family and we feel sad to leave her here, but know that she is in good hands with Gerhard and Seigrid.
Keep in touch with us as we enjoy your email updates.
Love Michele & Vic