Sunday, August 8, 2010

Driving from Peking to Moscow.

Driving techniques and rules seem to change from country and by town.
In China it was dog eat dog. Push in, change lanes or use both lanes if you are not sure which lane you want to change into. Between all the havoc there is order.
When we arrived in Mongolia there were no roads. You drive in the country and there is a track, if it becomes rough you ride next to it. When you leave town you need to know what direction you need to drive in as there are no road signs as there are no roads only tracks in all directions leading out of town. If you ask a local where a place is, he will point with a bent finger in the direction if under 40km and if is further than 40km a straight finger.
In the capital it is like a horse race. No rules. Taxi will stop in the middle of a four lane road to let his passengers out. Bigger vehicles jostle little one for positions in traffic. Joining a main road you don’t seem to have to look to see if the road is clear you just swing in and cars have to give way. Finding a parking in a parking lot where everyone parks as if they dismounted their horse and left it right there. I was the odd man out I was parked between the lines.

In Russia and Siberia it is quite orderly. Overtaking on solid lines or blind bends is done by most.
In Moscow with 10 million people you drive and don’t worry about anybody else. An orange light means go and violent lane switching is the norm. Black cars are very popular with no shortage of money.

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